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>Zapa@zeus.datasrv.co.il said:
>>Subject: Here's hoping...
>>... That LW 4.0 fixes the custom size bug, where the left most pixel
>>column is ruined when you render in custom size.
> And the Foreground Dissolve doesn't work bug,
> And the Ambient Light change isn't logged bug,
> And the Load From Scene just doesn't work half the time bug,
> And the Surface Morph doesn't do Reflection Maps bug,
> And the Plain weird Refraction / Reflection interaction bug,
>#6 And the Forgetful File Requesters bug,
> And the Modeler slow BG Image draw bug,
> And the Modeler Drag - mouse jumps all over the place bug,
> And the Modeler confused Bevel bug.
> (All this applies to the LW PR 4.0 Intel, of course. :)
> -Jim
Thanks for putting this in perspective, Jim!
re: #6
In general, the most annoying thing about Whindoze progs is their
tendency to NOT recall what .suffix you are using.
AmiPro is very F*CKING annoying in this regard-- any time, THAT'S
EVERY TIME you change volumes it reverts to its own goddam suffix.